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Diving in Grenada With Dive Grenada

After living in Grenada for nearly four years, I feel like we’ve seen quite a bit of the country. We’ve driven around the island, sailed up the western coast, gone on hashes, enjoyed rum tours and so much more.

There are so many things to do in Grenada!

But, I was yet to see our beautiful Caribbean home from below the surface of the sea.

When I decided to go diving here, I picked my dive shop the same way I pick all of my dive shops… on trip Advisor. Dive Grenada was number one with some great reviews so I felt confident heading out with them.

Dive Grenada is affiliated with the stunning mount Cinnamon Grenada accommodations. This boutique luxury hotel offers awesome activities for free, beautiful rooms, friendly staff and two fantastic restaurants. 

REMEMBER: Don’t miss the awesome video at the bottom of this article!

Here’s what it’s like to go diving with Dive Grenada!

Table des matières
History Of The Dive Shop
The Dive sites around Grenada
Eco-Minded scuba Diving
The secret is getting Out!

History Of The Dive Shop

Set right on the nicest stretch of sand in Grenada (Grand Anse Beach), Dive Grenada truly has the perfect location, but the owners, Phil & Helen, may not have always thought so.

Back in 2004 when they first opened the shop, everything seemed to be going smoothly… for about 5 weeks. Hurricane Ivan soon bombarded this lovely beach-front business and basically swept away everything that they had worked so hard to create.

Shortly thereafter, Phil was trying to rebuild the shop, fell from a ladder and broke his hip, which left him debilitated for many months. Somehow, through this catastrophe, Phil and his wife were able to pull through and today they run the most recommended dive shop on the island.

“Dive Grenada is the phoenix that rose from the ashes.”


The Dive sites around Grenada

After 6 dives around Grenada, I was blown away by the abundant sea life and healthy coral. I always love a good reef dive, but the best diving in Grenada is the shipwrecks.

Dive shops here frequently head out to 9 different wreck dives and while I only had the chance to do 3, I hope that I can return and explore some more of these sunken barges.

Happy Valley

This dive site is actually inside of Grenada’s Marine protected area and, like many sites here, it’s not a far boat trip from the dive shop. The visibility was great and we were lucky enough to spot multiple spotted and green eels, two turtles and an octopus, among countless other small fish and crustaceans.

Véronique. L

This is one of Grenada’s many outstanding shipwreck dives and after just a few minutes exploring her cavernous haul, I could see why it’s such a popular site.

It was outstanding how much coral had materialized on her outer bow and deck. This old cargo ship even had an air pocket where we were able to poke our heads out of the water, while being 15 meters below the surface.

I was happy to dive this wreck twice and I enjoyed it even more the second time!

Cojack checking Out Some Fish On Veronica. L

MV Shakem

Another great wreck dive, there is plenty to explore aboard the MV Shakem. The captain’s quarters and kitchen are still intact, as is her massive propeller at around 40 meters in depth. I spotted a couple of moray eels peering out from her many nooks and crannies.

Jardin japonais

Aside from the wrecks, this was probably my favourite dive. here we had a really relaxing time just floating over a massive garden of hard and soft corals. the most notable thing we spotted was a green eel that looked like a sea snake, but even without any large sea life, the dive was incredible.

Bianca C

This enormous 180-meter long cruise liner sunk way back in 1963 after a massive explosion in the boiler room caused it to start taking on water.

Today the ship is locally known as “The Titanic Of The Caribbean” and makes for one hell of a dive site. At about 50 meters in depth, it’s reserved for advanced divers only, and even though it has deteriorated over the past few decades, Bianca C is still in great shape.

The only problem with this dive is that it’s deep, so we had to ascend before I was finished exploring!

The Bianca C (Image from Wikipedia.org)

Other Dives

Grenada has many other great dive sites and almost all of them are vacant of other divers. This little Caribbean jewel is a dive secret, spoken about in hushed tones between those “in the know”. For more about the outstanding dives in around Grenada, check out the Dive Grenada website.

Eco-Miplongée sous-marine nded

Si vous êtes comme moi et que vous préférez plonger avec un pourvoyeur à l’esprit écologique, alors vous ne pouvez pas faire mieux que de plonger la Grenade. Les propriétaires, Phil et Helen, veillent non seulement à ce que leurs maîtres de plongée soient respectueux de l’environnement et éduqués marins, mais ils ont également un projet exceptionnel en cours.

Le programme s’appelle Grand Anse Reef Regeneration Project (GARRP) et Phil a créé une série de pyramides sous-marines utilisant des parpaings pour essayer de régénérer certains des coraux perdus pendant les ouragans.

Il a coulé 14 au fond de la baie près de Grand Anse Beach et ils ont déjà commencé à produire une quantité incroyable de corail. Les nombreuses fissures et ouvertures dans les blocs poreux permettent au corail de croître rapidement et ils créent des endroits pour que les poissons et autres espèces de récifs se cachent.

Garrp (image par: phil de plongée grenade)
Non seulement Phil a fondé et financé personnellement GARRP, mais il a également pris le temps d’éduquer les écoliers locaux sur l’importance des écosystèmes marins et leur impact direct sur l’industrie de la pêche de la Grenade et la qualité de vie globale.

Le secret est de sortir!

Bien que ce soit formidable d’avoir des sites de plongée aussi exceptionnels pour vous-même, la plongée pourrait être un flux de revenus précieux pour l’économie chancelante de ce pays. Heureusement pour la Grenade, il ne faudra pas longtemps avant que plus de gens ne commencent à découvrir la générosité sous-marine qui monte ces côtes.

Si vous prévoyez de vous diriger vers la Grenade, vous devriez certainement prévoir de passer sous la mer et d’explorer ces côtes couvertes de corail. Si vous n’êtes pas un plongeur, envisagez de partir en plongée avec tuba. Peu importe comment vous sortez, vous ne voudrez pas manquer la vie marine exceptionnelle autour de cette petite île.

Découvrez cette vidéo rapide de mes images impressionnantes en Grenade!

Pour réserver vos plongées avec Dive Grenade, consultez www.divegrenada.com ou contactez Phil par e-mail.

Un merci spécial à la plongée de la Grenade de m’avoir accueilli sur mes 6 plongées sous-marine autour de l’île. Comme toujours, on ne m’a pas demandé d’écrire une critique positive et toutes les pensées et opinions restent les miennes.

J’aime ça? Épinglez-le! ?

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